The BD CellView™ Lens plugin for FlowJo™ v10 provides the complete set of tools that allows you to visually explore all the image data captured and then exported from the BD FACSDiscover™ S8 cell sorter. After the FCS and imaging data are exported from BD FACSChorus™ Software, use the BD CellView™ Image Extractor or BD Research Cloud to convert the exported image event data from BD CellView wave format (CVW) to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). Then, use this plugin to analyze your image and spectral data side by side within FlowJo. You can also use imaging data in other formats (jpg and png) from other cytometers or data sources to analyze them by using the plugin. **Please note that v1.2.3 and later versions of this plugin are only compatible with FlowJo v10.10. If employing FlowJo v10.9.0 or older, use v1.1.7.
Algorithm Authors
Jay Almarode
Plugin Developers
View CitationApplications
October 29th, 2024