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FlowJo™ v11 Early Access Versions

Download the latest Early Access builds. To join our beta testing team, please contact john.flowjo@bd.com

<h2><strong>FlowJo™ v11 Early Access Versions</strong></h2>

Release Notes for the Sept 2024 release

New Features:

  • Reports

    • Live batching has been implemented.  This new implementation allows the user to toggle back and forth between a source view and batched view of a report, and make changes that live update.

    • The Reports context pane contains controls for using the analysis hierarchy to set the group to batch through, an iterator and a discriminator, an interval, and ascending vs. descending ordering.

    • Tiling settings to allow multiple tiles per page are still in-progress

    • Page or individual elements on a page can be set as controls that do not iterate.

    • Plots can be copied / pasted / grouped / rotated. 

    • Text boxes can be added and formatted. 

    • Overlays can be created by dragging and dropping nodes onto existing plots.

    • Legends have been added to overlays, with the ability to set items as controls and affect order.

    • Iteration has been implemented that allows batching to progress through the data ordering populations based on either the sample order, a keyword, or new to v11, the value of a statistic

    • Iteration can be set to ascending or descending

    • Discriminators have been implemented that allow samples to be selected for inclusion within a batch by either a keyword, or new to v11, the value of a statistic.  Include all by selecting None within the discriminator tab.

    • Batching by interval, formerly referred to as batching ‘by panel', has been implemented.

  • Analysis Tree

    • See-all populations in the hierarchy - There is now option to show all populations associated with the samples in the hierarchy, regardless of which group those populations were created in.  The default mode is to filter populations to the currently selected group.

    • Populations can be moved or copied throughout the hierarchy via either copy-paste or drag and drop.

      • Copy-paste allows you to place a gate at a specific location.

      • Drag and drop within a group allow you to drag to a specific location.

      • Drag and drop from a group to another group copies a gate and places it at the top level of the destination group.

      • Drag and drop or copy-paste to a location that already has the gate acts as a replacement.

  • Sample Quality 

    • Flow rate and signal stability graphs have been added to the sample quality platform.  

  • Compensation /Unmixing

    • The compensation wizard has been enabled.  Upon opening the compensation platform, users are presented a choice of Auto (one-touch compensation) or entering the Wizard. 

    • The wizard will now:

      • Default to AutoSpill but allow users to switch to gate based unmixing/compensation

      • Display spectral plots and automatically switch between displaying the positive population and the cleanup gate when users switch between gate based and AutoSpill.

      • Infer clean up and, for gate-based processes, positive and negative gates

      • Infer unstained controls, and allow users to manually mark unstained controls

      • Infer proper detector assignments and allow users to adjust

      • Graph all gates

      • Allow users to modify auto-drawn gates and use drag and drop operations in the hierarchy to adjust gating.

      • Preview a matrix

        • With spillover values 

        • With SSM values

        • As a similarity matrix

        • With or without heatmapping

        • Visually for a selected parameter on either dot plots or contour plots, with or without uncorrected data displayed.

        • Create a matrix

    • Selecting an existing matrix opens a display of that matrix and place holders for plots of the matrix applied to a sample selected in the analysis tree.

    • Matrices can now be edited. Clicking the edit button on the compensation editor duplicates the matrix and allows for modification.

  • Parameter Sets

    • Additional default parameter sets have been created for image derived parameters and metadata

  • Ancestry mode

    • Ancestry mode is an additional view option in the graph gallery.  Selecting this option reframes the graph gallery to display the upstream populations & gates that led to the current selection.  Ancestry mode is live and will update as the user clicks on different levels of the hierarchy.

  • Data Handling

    • Data can be dragged to launcher to make a new workbench and populate it.

  • Charts

    • Include options to display a data table along with the chart

    • Include an option to display error bars that are either standard error or standard deviation

    • Improved legends.


Known Issues:

  • The nearest neighbor setting for X-shift clustering is not updated for the selected population unless you modify your parameter selection, which forces an update.  As a workaround we suggest deselecting and reselecting some parameters.  If run without updating, the algorithm will be slow and the results poor.

  • Frequencies are being displayed as decimals instead of percentages.

  • Some font colors and tick marks in dark mode are too dark to see, particularly in the table editor and during text entry in the metadata manager.

  • Event # cannot currently be graphed

  • Error toasts will persist in new workbench

  • The properties panel will sometimes be partially cutoff when resizing.  Workaround: continuing to resize will cause it to reset.

  • Running QC on a sample w/o a time parameter produces poor results

  • All sets of quad gates on one parent population will begin with Q1, causing them to order unusually by quad number instead of grouped together by parameter.

  • Moving a gate name on an ellipse gate desyncs the gate

  • Rarely, no QC output is produced for a sample.

  • Multiple identity matrices can be displayed.