Learn how to easily load all types of data into the SeqGeq workspace.

Loading Data

Dragging and dropping data into the SeqGeq workspace will load that data within the platform. Within the Analyze tab there’s a Navigate option, which also contains functions for loading data from your file system, or directly from Illumina’s BaseSpace application:

Another type of data which can be dragged into the SeqGeq workspace consists of CSV lists of genes (aka Genesets).

Note: SeqGeq has been designed to accept data from all sequencing pipelines. In other words we try very hard to be “data agnostic”. If you’re finding data that SeqGeq won’t load we encourage you to submit a demo data-set to seqgeq@flowjo.com for further investigation and troubleshooting.


Populations are simply data matrices containing cells (aka events) within SeqGeq. These samples can then be subdivided into sub-populations using gates within the Cell View of a Graph Window corresponding to that sample.


Genesets are groups of parameters within SeqGeq. These lists of parameters can be organized into Collections for the sake of convenience and clarity:

Double-clicking on a Geneset will open a geneset inspector where you can investigate the genes comprising that Geneset:

Link to SeqGeq Basic Tutorial