Layout Editor Menus

Layout Editor Ribbon

Layout Editor Tab


Layouts adds, copies, or deletes layouts

Iteration groups samples included in the layout batches. For more on Iteration, click here.

Batch generates a batch. For more on Batching, click here.

File Tab


Document Band

Print  opens the Print dialog, for more on printing, click here.

Edit Header / Footer opens the dialog box supporting reusable headers and the footers, created in HTML.

Export Image opens a Save dialog box, prompting to name and save the layout as an image file.

Avoid Page Breaks spreads out the tiles to prevent graphs being split by a page boundary, without changing the size of the frames.

Scale To Width scales the page break lines to match the width of the content added to the layout.

Scale To Height scales the page break lines to match the height of the content added to the layout.

Scale To Page takes all content present in the currently selected layout and fit it onto a single page.


Go Band

View Workspace brings the workspace window for this analysis to the front.

Open Original Graph shows the population in the gate editing window.

Properties sets the attributes of the product, such as color and line width.

Edit Tab


Clipboard Band

Cut removes the selection from the layout an place it on your operating system clipboard for pasting to another layout or another program.

Copy copies selected items to your operating system clipboard for pasting into another layout or program.

Paste moves the contents of the clipboard items into the currently viewed layout.


Select Band

Select All selects all objects in a layout for copy/cut or moving/aligning/spacing.

Invert Selection changes focus of selection from the objects currently selected to the other objects not selected in the workspace.

Duplicate makes a copy of all the selected objects.

Delete removes the selected object from the Layout Editor.

Insert Graphic adds an image from the file system to this layout.

Show & Hide Band

Displays or hides layout attributes, like rulers, grids, and pagebreaks.

Object Tab


Properties…changes attributes for a currently selected object, such as line weight and style.

Locks…lock the position, content, size of the selected object.

Text…changes the font styles.

Arrange Tab

Reorder Band

Bring Forward for objects that overlap or are layered, you can send a selected object forward (one layer at a time) in the layer/overlap scheme.

Bring To Front for objects that overlap or are layered, you can send a selected object to the front in the layer/overlap scheme.

Send Backward for objects that overlap or are layered, you can send a selected object backward (one layer at a time) in the layer/overlap scheme.

Send To Back for objects that overlap or are layered, you can send a selected object to theback in the layer/overlap scheme.

Group will take all selected objects and “link” them together to form one object (i.e. one image).

Ungroup will take all previously grouped objects and “unlink” them, returning them to individual objects.

Vertical Alignment…aligns all selected items to the object selected along the chosen vertical axis.
Horizontal Alignment…aligns all selected items to the object selected along the chosen horizontal axis.


Help with the Layout Editor

About Layout Controls

Using Objects in Layouts

Batches and Iteration

Making Overlays
