Shortcut Techniques


FlowJo software is complex, and analysis can often be accelerated by adopting the use of keyboard shortcuts. Many actions in FlowJo have been assigned shortcuts. Through using modifier keys like shift/ctrl, alt (option on macs), and cmd (for macs), as well as the right-click menu, you can often find shortcuts to context-specific functionality to aid your workflow. For more information on the Workspace click here.


Component and Action

 Shortcut Key

Macintosh Version




Close WorkspaceCommand + W

ExitCommand + Q

UndoCommand + Z

Customize RibbonsCommand + ( ] )

FlowJo Tab

New WorkspaceCommand + N

Add SamplesCommand + Semicolon (;)

New GroupCommand + G

Open Layout EditorCommand + L

Open Table EditorCommand + T

PreferencesCommand + Y

Panel WizardCommand + Shift + P

File tab

Open WorkspaceCommand + NumPad + (/)

PrintCommand + P

SaveCommand + S

Export / ConcantenateCommand +E

Save AsCommand + Shift + S

FindCommand + F

FCS ScanCommand + Shift + F

Edit Tab

CutCommand + X

PasteCommand + V

ClearCommand + Delete

Select AllCommand + A

Select Equivalent NodesCommand + Shift + E

Collapse AllCommand + Shift + U

Expand AllCommand + U

Workspace Tab

Create GroupCtrl + G

Copy Gate to GroupCommand + Shift + G

Open Graph WindowCommand + Enter

InspectCommand + I

RenameCommand + R

Add StatisticCommand + B

Add KeywordCommand + Shift + I

Create Group from Keyword ValueCommand + J

Create Keyword Value SeriesCommand + 6

Tools Tab

CompensationCommand + M

Matrix EditorCommand + Shift + M

Check Samples QualityCommand + Shift + V

Derived ParametersCommand + Shift + D

Create Combination GatesCommand + Comma (,)

Make Or GateCommand + Shift + O

Make And GateCommand + Shift + A

Make Not GateCommand + Shift + N

Make Identical GatesCommand + Equals (=)

Plate EditorCommand + 9

Show in 3DCommand + 3

Settings Tab

Edit ColumnsCommand + Shift + K

Hide/Show Statistics”)Command + Shift + B
Show/Hide Comp NodesCommand + Shift + C
Layout Editor

Layout Tab

Add A New LayoutCommand + N

Duplicate LayoutCommand + Equals (=)

Delete LayoutCommand + Minus (-)

File Tab

PrintCommand + P

Save Image AsCommand + S

View WorkspaceCommand + 0 (zero)

Open Original GraphCommand + O

PropertiesCommand + I

Edit Tab

UndoCommand + Z

CutCommand + X

PasteCommand + V

Select AllCommand + A

Object Tab

Figure Presets (Apply)Command + (+)

Arrange Tab

Bring ForwardCommand + F

Bring to FrontCommand + Shift + F

Send BackwardCommand + B

Send to BackCommand + Shift + B

GroupCommand + G

UngroupCommand + U

TopsCommand + T

BottomsCommand +  (Backslash)

Vertical CenterCommand + Page Down

Vertical SpacingCommand + K

LeftCommand + L

RightCommand + R

Horizontal CenterCommand + H

Horizontal SpacingCommand + J
Table Editor

Tables Tab

New TableCommand + N

Duplicate TableCommand + Equals (=)

Remove TableCommand + Minus (-)

For DisplayCommand + D

Batch to LayoutCommand + L

Batch to ClipboardCommand + K

Batch to PrinterCommand + P

To FileCommand + F

Edit Menu

Select AllCommand + A

ClearCommand + Delete

Columns Menu

Add ColumnCommand + Shift + N

Edit ColumnCommand + E
Graph Window

General Shortcuts

Show the Uncompensated parameters in the Parameters drop down listHold down Alt + Select the Axis Parameter in the Graph Window

File Menu

Close WindowCommand + W

Close All Graph WindowsCommand + Shift + W

Save Graphic asCommand + S

PrintCommand + P

Edit Menu

UndoCommand + Z

ClearCommand + Delete

Copy Image with TransparencyCommand + I

Copy Histogram FunctionCommand + F

Copy to Layout EditorCommand + L

Add StatisticCommand + B

PreferencesCommand + Comma (,)

Graph Menu

Duplicate ViewCommand + D

Transpose AxesCommand + T

Manually Enter GateCommand + G

Make MovieCommand + M

Show in 3DCommand + 3

Go Menu

Show WorkspaceCommand + 0 ( zero )

Up to Parent PopulationCommand + U

Open Child PopulationCommand + O

Previous SampleCommand + Page Down

Next SampleCommand + Page Up

Previous XCommand + J

Next XCommand + K

Previous YCommand + F10

Next YCommand + Y


Component and Action

 Shortcut Key

Windows Version



General Shortcuts

Close WorkspaceCtrl + W

ExitCtrl + Q

UndoCtrl + Z

Customize RibbonsCtrl + ( ] )

FlowJo Tab

New WorkspaceCtrl + N

Add SamplesCtrl + Semicolon (;)

New GroupCtrl + G

Open Layout EditorCtrl + L

Open Table EditorCtrl + T

PreferencesCtrl + Y

Panel WizardCtrl + Shift + P

File tab

Open WorkspaceCtrl + NumPad + (/)

PrintCtrl + P

SaveCtrl + S

Export / ConcantenateCtrl +E

Save AsCtrl + Shift + S

FindCtrl + F

FCS ScanCtrl+ Shift + F

Edit Tab

CutCtrl + X

PasteCtrl + V

ClearCtrl + Delete

Select AllCtrl + A

Select Equivalent NodesCtrl + Shift + E

Collapse AllCtrl + Shift + U

Expand AllCtrl + U

Workspace Tab

Create GroupCtrl + G

Copy Gate to GroupCtrl + Shift + G

Open Graph WindowCtrl + Enter

InspectCtrl + I

RenameCtrl + R

Add StatisticCtrl + B

Add KeywordCtrl + Shift + I

Create Group from Keyword ValueCtrl + J

Create Keyword Value SeriesCtrl + 6

Tools Tab

CompensationCtrl + M

Matrix EditorCtrl + Shift + M

Check Samples QualityCtrl+ Shift + V

Derived ParametersCtrl + Shift + D

Create Combination GatesCtrl+ Comma (,)

Make Or GateCtrl+ Shift + O

Make And GateCtrl + Shift + A

Make Not GateCtrl + Shift + N

Make Identical GatesCtrl+ Equals (=)

Plate EditorCtrl + 9

Show in 3DCtrl + 3

Settings Tab

Edit ColumnsCtrl + Shift + K

Hide/Show Statistics”)Ctrl + Shift + B

Show/Hide Comp NodesCtrl + Shift + C
Layout Editor

Layout Tab

Add A New LayoutCtrl + N

Duplicate LayoutCtrl + Equals (=)

Delete LayoutCtrl + Minus (-)

File Tab

PrintCtrl + P

Save Image AsCtrl + S

View WorkspaceCtrl + 0 (zero)

Open Original GraphCtrl + O

PropertiesCtrl + I

Edit Tab

UndoCtrl + Z

CutCtrl + X

PasteCtrl + V

Select AllCtrl + A

Object Tab

Figure Presets (Apply)Ctrl + (+)

Arrange Tab

Bring ForwardCtrl + F

Bring to FrontCtrl + Shift + F

Send BackwardCtrl + B

Send to BackCtrl + Shift + B

GroupCtrl + G

UngroupCtrl + U

TopsCtrl + T

BottomsCtrl +  (Backslash)

Vertical CenterCtrl + Page Down

Vertical SpacingCtrl + K

LeftCtrl + L

RightCtrl + R

Horizontal CenterCtrl + H

Horizontal SpacingCtrl + J
Table Editor

Tables Tab

New TableCtrl+ N

Duplicate TableCtrl + Equals (=)

Remove TableCtrl + Minus (-)

For DisplayCtrl + D

Batch to LayoutCtrl + L

Batch to ClipboardCtrl + K

Batch to PrinterCtrl + P

To FileCtrl + F

Edit Menu

Select AllCtrl + A

ClearCtrl + Delete

Columns Menu

Add ColumnCtrl + Shift + N

Edit ColumnCtrl + E
Graph Window

General GW Shortcuts

Show the Uncompensated parameters in the Parameters drop down listHold down Alt + Select the Axis Parameter in the Graph Window

File Menu

Close WindowCtrl + W

Close All Graph WindowsCtrl + Shift + W

Save Graphic asCtrl + S

PrintCtrl + P

Edit Menu

UndoCtrl + Z

ClearCtrl + Delete

Copy Image with TransparencyCtrl + I

Copy Histogram FunctionCtrl + F

Copy to Layout EditorCtrl + L

Add StatisticCtrl + B

PreferencesCtrl + Comma (,)

Graph Menu

Duplicate ViewCtrl + D

Transpose AxesCtrl + T

Manually Enter GateCtrl + G

Make MovieCtrl + M

Show in 3DCtrl + 3

Go Menu

Show WorkspaceCtrl + 0 ( Zero )

Up to Parent PopulationCtrl + U

Open Child PopulationCtrl + O

Previous SampleCtrl + Page Down

Next SampleCtrl + Page Up

Previous XCtrl + J

Next XCtrl + K

Previous YCtrl + F10

Next YCtrl + Y
