Jo file reading: This build of version 10 allows for non-acquisition defined matrices to be exported during bulk conversion of Jo files using the FlowJov9BulkConverter plugin. When you run this plugin on a directory of .jo files, corresponding .wsp files will be produced and each matrix in the file will be exported as a .mtx file, which can then be dragged into the new .wsp file as needed. Additionally, Boolean gates will now be directly read and displayed in converted .wsp files.
Files that are individually greater than 2 GB are now supported.
10.8.1 will directly open Miltenyi MQD files. Additionally, scaling around 0 was not displayed the same as at acquisition and this has been tuned to match.
One of the known issues in version 10.8.0 was that tSNE plots no longer resolved as crisply as they had in previous versions. We have corrected an optimization issue so that the outputs produce better defined islands.
Exporting a compensation matrix to CSV now includes stain labels.
MADP* statistic has been added.
In previous versions of FlowJo the Median Abs Dev statistic was implemented as a normalized version of the measure of a populations variation from the median value.
We have adjusted the Median Abs Dev to be the median of the absolute values of the differences between the actual values and the median of the absolute values, the text book definition
We have added MADP* as a normalized measure to assist in interpretation. It is calculated as 100 * 1.4826 * Median Absolute Deviation / Median.
Bug fixes:
Hiding rows in the compensation matrix now hides the corresponding column as well.
The divider function in the Cytometer scaling preferences, which allows the user to scale input data by a multiplier, has been re-enabled.
Plugin created derived parameters can be saved to an ACS now.
The graph window will now open on screen if a 2-monitor set was used previously, then disconnected with a graph displayed on the second screen.
Copy + pasting a gate in the workspace, then placing the pasted object in the layout editor no longer references the original population.
Improved support for exporting FCS files acquired on the Yeti / BioRad ZE5.
Known Issues
Files saved at a remote location can cause a variety of errors when reopening the analysis after saving. Workaround: Reconnect remote files that cause problems by right-clicking on the file name in the FlowJo workspace and choose Search for FCS files…
FlowJo does not allow users to replace numbers in a keyword value series with text. Workaround: Use the Tab key to traverse to the correct field for keyword entry.
Proliferation nodes applied to synchronized groups will not adjust automatically when one node is altered, and the color/font-style of proliferation nodes will not match their group.
Kinetics time scale is not always generated correctly, particularly in overlays as not all FCS files use the same time step.
Import/Export from Diva is unstable, and works best with BD FACSDivaTM version 8.5. Workaround: Use BD FACSDivaTM version 8.5.
ScriptEditor will throw a bug reporting window if new scripts are added after an old script has been loaded. Workaround: Don’t select previous script after creating a new script.
Locale settings in FlowJo preference which indicate decimal delimiters with columns will cause a range of errors. Workaround: Use US locale settings, even in other regions to keep everything working smoothly.
Manual Gates set from the “Graph” tab of the Graph Window cannot be set in Windows 7.
FCS files with only 1 event can display the fluorescent value incorrectly.
Keeping an expired serial number entered in the licensing preferences will prevent a dongle from authenticating. Workaround: Delete the expired serial number from the licensing preferences.
Layout & Table Editors
Batching layouts with NxN plots can cause corruption in workspaces. Workaround: Create NxN plots after batching.