MEM – Marker Enrichment Modeling (MEM): Re-name clusters automatically and quantitatively based on their marker expression with a human- and machine-readable label.
Spectral similarity scores: Calculate the cosine index for acquired data to evaluate reagent choices made in panel design based on data from your specific instrument and experimental conditions.
Auto-Quad gates: Automatically create quads and rectangle gates based on range gates, bi-sector gates or the data itself.
Clone gates: Gates with the same name can now be linked together as ‘clones’ so that their position is synchronized.
Native Cluster Explorer: Display line charts, bar charts, heat maps, and dimensionality reduction plots of clustered data in FlowJo without the use of a plugin.
Improved interactions with BD® Research Cloud: Save and load options throughout the software now include the BD® Research Cloud as an option.
There are now caching preferences in FlowJo for handling file downloading from the BD® Research Cloud.
Derived parameter scale changes preserved through save/re-open a workspace
Graph windows open offscreen on Windows bug fixed
Long network drive paths fixed. Save locations on cloud or network based drives can have longer file paths than allowed by a local computers operating system. We have updated our open/save menus to display these longer paths.
Attempting to save to a folder that has been deleted will now produce an error message.
Box Drive will be presented as a save/open option.
Double click on a saved workspace to with FlowJo running will now open a second workspace window.
The time parameter is scaled using the $TIMESTEP keyword, such that its units are in seconds. If the $TIMESTEP keyword is not present, FlowJo 10.9 will use $BTIM, $ETIM, and the first and last recorded event times to determine a rescale factor. Previous versions of FlowJo performed that operation in the opposite order, making $BTIM /$ETIM the primary ‘truth’.
The table editor can include samples with the same name in a batch. Previously, two samples that had the same name, i.e. two plates loaded into a workspace would produce identically named A01 files, would be treated as duplicates during batching from the table editor and one would be omitted from the output.
The color palette legend has been expanded to allow 24 colors to be pre-defined in a specific order, allowing for finer control of overlays within the layout editor.
The color palette legend order is now followed exactly. Previously colors 0 and 1 would flip on add of the second color.
The number of decimal places displayed in the SSM / TSM has been trimmed to two for easier readability.
The default preferences for Cytek Aurora data files have been updated to reflect the current cytometer defaults.
Default preferences have been added for Cellular Highway machines.
The bug when using Portuguese to use $ as a decimal place holder has been fixed.
Multigraph plots now show the name of the sample when batching.
the default suggested name when adding a keyword has been changed to SpecimenID, away from SampleID which is a commonly used keyword.
Header and Footer preferences now apply without a restart.
LMD files exported from the Navios display the parameter names in the correct order. Previously there was re-ordering.
LMD files exported from the Astrios now display all parameters. Previously some had been hidden.
Plugin nodes will not recalculate on transform updates.
100th percentile statistic now viable. Previously the 100th percentile would not calculate.
Bug preventing quad gate stats from updating the displayed value when an offset was introduced is fixed.
Known Issues
Some Windows 10 users have reported that 10.9.0 performs noticeably slower or freezes for certain gate calculations. We are actively investigating this. For those affected, we recommend using the v10.8.1 release until the root problem is fixed in version 10.10 which has an anticipated release fall on 2023.
For any statistics created on a mathematically derived parameter, the stat will not update beyond one change to the derived parameter equation.
Gallios LMD files do not reflect LMD defaults. T-button scaling does work properly to allow the user to use whatever scale they chose.
ACS files will not save if a # is included in the name.
The Moom and Cylance applications interfere with FlowJo performance.
Font size in text boxes in the layout editor is non-responsive after duplicate or copy-paste actions.
In the native version of cluster explorer, populations with less than 0.5% of the events are rendered to small to see in the bar charts, and bar charts do not update when subset nodes are selected.
Additionally, the mouseover functionality in native cluster explorer displays the data of the column to the left as opposed to the column directly moused over.
The parameter selector in the Color by Expression Level tool of the native cluster explorer and the displayed parameter are misaligned.
When doing spectral compensation using AutoSpill, optimize weights does not work.