MIFlowCyt Annotation

The experiment annotation platform assists with describing your data and experiment according to the MIFlowCyt standard.

The “Annotate Experiment” tool, which can be found in the the Experiment band, provides a dialog to enter the experimental description.

Figure 1. The Annotate Experiment tool.

This dialog is designed to comply with the proposed Minimum Information about a Flow Cytometry Experiment (MIFlowCyt) standard, and is divided into 5 sections described in further detail below.

Figure 2. The Annotate Experiment tool.

I. Overview: provides high-level project details and a summary of the experiment.

II. Specimen: provides details on the samples and the experimental treatment.

III. Instrument: currently supports the linking to compensation details through sample drag-and-drop.

IV. Analysis: provide data analysis details from FlowJo like gating hierarchy, summary statistics, compensation, and transformation.  Pressing the “Insert” button will provide a workspace sample groups summary and dragging a sample to “Gating” will provide the gating tree as shown in Figure 3, below.

V. Figures: The graph window has new functionality to “Save as Figure” which will save this the graph to this figure browser.

Figure 3. The Analysis section.

The MIFlowCyt page provides a starting point, complete with a great example that FlowJo structured its MIFlowCyt template from.

A database of research presented published according to the MIFlowCyt standard has been created at FlowRepository.