One of the biggest advantages of FlowJo is the ability to copy analyses (gates, statistics, kinetics...
FlowJo has several tools for Drawing Gates within, around, or outside a population of interest. Flow...
FlowJo v10 makes it easy to transform your raw data to expand or compress what is displayed on a gra...
Transform digital data quickly and easily in FlowJo using the transform function on the graph window...
Data visualization is important in flow cytometry data analysis – transformation provides a method t...
Biexponential scaling helps visualize data that is compressed against the low x- and y- axes. “Squis...
Did you acquire your data with BD’s FACSDiva software? Compensate during acquisition? No problem! Fl...
Use the T-button to quickly adjust data scaling and visualization.Data visualization is key to ident...
From the Clipboard band in the Layout Editor, the user can duplicate or remove images from the layou...
The Columns band allows the user to add new columns to a table in the Table Editor. In addition, the...
The Formatting band allows the user to change the way a table built in the Table Editor will be disp...
One of the strengths of computers is how they handle repetitive tasks. If you show the computer how...
The Plots Band allows the user to view different visual representations of comparisons between colum...
The Tables Band contains a list of tables created by the user. From this band the user can choose wh...
Column Information dialog.First, it may be useful to give your column a custom name. By default a na...
The main function of the Table Editor — exporting statistics!There are three types of columns you ca...
FlowJo’s Table Editor supports the alternate display of tabular information via plots. Available plo...