The Plate Editor Keywords band allows the addition and deletion of annotation keywords within the pl...
The Document band in the Plate Editor allows the user to save or open plate setup XML files or expor...
The Configure Band allows a user to set plate dimensions, annotate wells with a dilution series, and...
The Settings Band allows visualization of the number of attributes added to a well, numerical keys,...
The Plate Editor Experiment Band facilitates experiment-level annotation as well as the movement of...
FJU Ian- Traditional CompensationCompensation has undergone a major redesign for FlowJo Version 10!C...
The following papers are great to learn more about compensation:Spectral Compensation for Flow Cytom...
The Spillover Spreading Matrix (SSM) is a measure of the performance of an instrument for a given pa...
This page captures some of the work flow gestures in the Compensation user interfaces in FlowJo. For...
Transforms that have been modified on one compensation matrix can be copied to another matrix.FlowJo...
Methods of subtracting autofluorescence post-acquisition.Autofluorescence (AF) is the natural emissi...
CHAPTER 1 – Altering an acquisition matrixback to Compensation Workflow Overview Acquisition ma...
CHAPTER 2 – Creating a FlowJo compensation matrix from single stain controlsback to Compensation Wor...
AutoSpill is a new algorithm for calculating spillover and producing a compensation matrix developed...
FJU Dylan- Spectral CompensationBeginning in FlowJo v10.6 there is now a check-box labelled Spectral...
Probably the first thing you’ll notice about the Workspace window changes is the new special Group “...
This page describes the compensation window. To open this window, click on your Compensation group t...
Whether compensation comes from your data as Acquisition-Defined, or is generated via FlowJo’s compe...
Starting with version 10 of FlowJo, there is a new interface for viewing compensation matrices – the...
Can my compensation control be too bright?No. In fact, the brighter, the better! Compens...