The BD CellView™ Lens plugin for FlowJo™ v10 provides the complete set of tools for visually explori...
The CellView Lens mapping dialogue allows the user to point to a folder of images to connect them wi...
The image filters tool allows you to refine the display of images in each channel by adding differen...
Image sets are a means to curate interesting populations visually within the CellView Lens tool.If t...
The Nearest Neighbor Search in the CellView Lens plugin identifies similar cells based on numeric pa...
The BD FACSDiscoverTM S8 Cell Sorter acquires traditional fluorescent parameters as well as a s...
One of our most powerful plugins is now native in FlowJo v10.9 or later. Explore populations found t...
A standalone tool for de-identifying FCS files.The Data De-identification Utility scrubs FCS data’s...
Visualize all of your parameters in a single 2D approximation!Dimensionality Reduction has become a...
T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (tSNE) is an algorithm for performing dimensionality red...
Embed is a tool for forward-propagating derived parameters to new data.Embed can estimate values for...
FlowJo v10 provides an option to save your analysis, data, and plugin outputs as a single file.An AC...
Command line FlowJo is the way to use FlowJo without a user interface (“headless”) or human interven...
HyperFinder is an algorithm that creates a gating sequence for any population of interest. Populatio...
Templates contain your entire analysis, minus the FCS files. They are the most efficient tool for re...
Applying new compensation matrices to data loaded into templates can be a bit confusing. This docume...
Marker Enrichment Modeling (MEM) is a quantitative naming system for populations. It provides a way...
is an open source programming environment used by scientists to create software tools for thei...
Data stored remotely requires some special considerationsSummaryFlowJo saves your analysis in a Work...
The Script Editor is a platform that allows the user to program their own routines into FlowJo using...
Create spectral plots for selected detectors and populations.The spectral plot tool is available fro...
A tool for comparing multiple populations via spectral plotsThe spectral populations viewer differs...
Taylor Index is a metric primarily for evaluating the goodness of clustering algorithms in n-dimensi...
FJU Jack - Cell CycleUnivariate modeling can be used to create a fit to cell cycle data based on sta...