This page contains suggestions for improving the fit of difficult to model cytometric data.Preproces...
The univariate cell cycle platform produces a number of statistics that can be used to summarize the...
Each kinetic analysis, or “node”, can contain multiple timeslices. Statistics will be reported for a...
Kinetics models output a set of summary statistics for each time range.On each kinetics model the st...
You can use the derived parameter platform to create ratios of parameters for use in the kinetics pl...
A threshold can be used to statistically define which cells are of interestSome of the statisti...
The graph specifications control what metric is used on the Y-axis, and whether smoothing will be ap...
This page is under construction; stay tuned for FlowJo Version 10.0.8 with Kinetics movies.This time...
Tips for how to perform certain kinetics analyses.This list is not comprehensive; you should read th...
Listed below is some external documentation regarding the Kinetics platform.Intracellular ionized ca...
Data can be exported from the kinetics platform to the layout editor, the table editor, or as binned...
New to Version 10 – a straight forward manner of handling the time parameterTime is collected in FCS...
FlowJo allows you to add new parameters to your data by performing operations on existing parameters...
FlowJo allows you to add new parameters to your data.These parameters behave like parameters that we...
This page provides details on the Plate Editor tool.The Plate Editor has a ribbon with four tabs con...
The Plate band located in the plate editor contains a list of plates created by the user. From this...
The Clipboard band in the Plate Editor contains functions that allow the user to duplicate or remove...
The Select Band in the Plate Editor allows editing and saving of well selections, making groups from...