The Boolean gates ribbon contains a series of tools for using existing gates to create additional, more complex gates.
Create Combination Gates
Create Combination Gates makes a set of Boolean gates comprised of all possible combinations of the gates selected at the time this function is chosen. For example, if you have gates “a”, “b” and “c” all selected, and then click this tool, FlowJo will create eight Boolean gates: a+b+c+, a+b+c-, a+b-c+, a-b+c+, a+b-c-, a-b+c-, a-b-c+, a-b-c-. The plus sign indicates “the cells within all these gates are included”, and the minus sign indicates “the cells outside of these gates are included”.
Make Or Gate
Creates a new gate that is the union of the selected gates. For example, if you have gates “a”, “b” and “c” and select them all, and then you click this icon, FlowJo will create an additional gate that has all of the cells that appear in any of the individual a,b, or c gates.
Make And Gate
Creates a new gate that is the intersection of the selected gates. For example, if you have gates “a”, “b” and “c” and select them all, and then you click this icon, FlowJo will create an additional gate that has all of the cells that appear in all of the individual a,b, or c gates.
Make Not Gate
Creates a new gate that is the inverse of the selected gates. For example, if you have gates “a”, “b” and “c” and select them all, and then you click this icon, FlowJo will create an additional gate that has all of the cells that do not appear in any of the individual a,b, or c gates.