PluginPlay Bundle

FlowJo PluginPlay Bundle

This new PluginPlay Bundle contains some of our most popular R-based plugins and requires no separate installation of R on your computer, saving you time and letting you get straight to using these powerful tools in your analysis. The plugins in this bundle include FlowAI, FlowClean, FlowSOM, CytoNorm, IndexSort, and ViolinBox.

bd_-_pluginplay_video_(add_intro_outro) (360p)


After downloading the PluginPlay Bundle for your OS, unzip the downloaded file, then place the .jar file in your plugins folder for FlowJo and specify the location of your plugin folder in the Diagnostics section of FlowJo. You no longer need to specify the R path to use these plugins in FlowJo. If you do have a separate R installation or want to use other R-based plugins that are not in this PluginPlay Bundle, you can specify your R path and FlowJo will use that instance of R.

To run a plugin on your FCS file, first select the sample of interest within the workspace. Next, go to the Workspace tab and select from a plugin from within the Plugins dropdown menu. Note that plugins will be unavailable (grayed out) if no population is selected.